How do you get more referrals, testimonials, and happy customers in the first few weeks of doing business with you?  A great New Customer Welcome Package can be just the ticket. In this episode, we discuss why these are important, and what you should include in a great new customer welcome package.

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People often ask us questions like:

  • Why do we never get testimonials even though people seem to love our work?
  • I feel weird about asking for referrals. Is there an elegant (or at least non-tacky) way to do this?
  • How do I prevent chargebacks and backsliding after the sale?
  • How can I ensure a good, long, profitable relationship with a new customer that doesn’t know a lot about our product or service yet?
  • What can we do to avoid a ton of customer service problems in the first few weeks with a new customer?

Luckily, the answer to all these questions is a fairly simple thing:

A great new customer welcome package!

We talk about New Customer Onboarding Process in our last episode.

What items should I include in a New Customer Welcome Package?

This checklist is a great starting place – but make your OWN checklist.

We assemble a lot of these and have them ready to go, so that we can simply print out an add the customized materials as needed.

Objective –  Reassure the customer they’ve made a fantastic decision, reduce confusion or “buyer’s remorse,” give them the best possible chance to be successful with your product or service, and encourage referrals and testimonials.

Custom Documents for a New Customer Welcome Package

There is usually a principal person involved in the transaction. We like to include a number of documents in an organized, attractive package.

  • Copy of signed Contracts/Agreements
  • Details of Purchase
  • Receipt/Paid Invoice
  • Roles & Responsibilities for any collaborative services
  • Warrantee/Guarantee Information
  • Results to expect within the first 30-90 days

Marketing Documents for Everyone Involved in the Project

Often aviation industry transactions impact a lot of people – pilots, mechanics, customer service folks, and other people on the client’s team. It’s important to ensure that they are fully informed and off to a great start.

  • Product Sheets/Brochures for the product or service they purchased
  • Catalog or product sheets/brochures of other products and services you offer.
  • Directory of your customer service personnel (ideally with photos & short bios)
  • Calendar with educational or service events + other events relevant to your customer (such as trade shows)
  • “About the Company” brochures or documents.
  • Tutorial documents
  • Frequently Asked Questions or Troubleshooting Guide
  • Case Studies or Testimonials
  • Customer Satisfaction Survey (You can also follow up with this by phone or email after 30 or 90 days.)

Media for your Customer Welcome Package

Just as important as the contents, the packaging of materials is also important.

Attractive and convenient packaging and media is really important.

  • High quality branded printed materials
  • CD or USB stick with copies of documents and media
    (including videos, calendar links that will work with iCal or Google Calendar, vcards for appropriate personnel, etc.)
  • High quality folder or 3 ring binder for documents (ideally branded)
  • Labelled or imprinted CDs/DVDs

Other Branded Materials

We’re often dismayed at the waste of giveaways at trade show booths to prospects that were not vetted or qualified.

And then the (relative) chintziness when clients balk at giving goodies to people who are already doing business with you.

The irony is that the majority of money made in the aviation industry is involved with repeat business.

  • Accessories that go with your product or service (key fob for a new plane or tug, cleaning kit after an aircraft service or detail.
  • Desk accessories (for a white-collar customer)
  • Shop accessories (for a blue collar customer)
  • Food or candy
  • Toys

For Subscriptions or Renewed Services

  • Handwritten note or card thanking them for their business
  • Invoice/Tax documents
  • Current catalog of your products and services
  • New Desk accessories (for a white-collar customer)
  • New Shop accessories (for a blue collar customer)
  • Food or candy
  • New Toys


Need some great brochures, catalogs or other printed materials for you New Customer Welcome Packages?

We can write, design, and print materials that are designed to be compelling to an audience of aviation-industry decision makers.