Aviation Web Site Audits


Request an audit of your web site: (Aviation industry only, please!)

Trinity Aviation Services and ABCI are collaborating on providing the most comprehensive overview we can.
You’ll get two reports plus a consultation:
  • A technical overview of your site
  • Our famous 31-Point Usability Checklist- a manual review of your site’s content
And our three best action items to get your site to perform better.
Enter your information:

[fusebox_track_player url=”https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/aviationmarketing/August_Audits.mp3″ background=”default” ]

Paula Williams:

Okay. So, welcome to this episode. I am here with John, who helps us a lot with a lot of our websites and he’s part of our, our web team. So, John, tell us a little bit about yourself and I won’t even try to pronounce your last name or where you’re from, because I do a bad job of it all the time.

John Chvatal:

Yeah. My name is John Chvatal. I’m from the great state of Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes. And, I offer aviation web design services to the aviation industry.

Paula Williams:

Perfect. And, that’s through Trinity Aviation Solutions, which is a partner of ABCI on certain projects, and this is one of those projects. So, what John and I have put together is, since August is our focus on websites, we try to focus on one thing a month, so that by the end of the year, you touched pretty much every part of your marketing system in the business. And, John’s really the expert on website performance speed in particular, and leads to improve the performance of a lot of ABCI’s websites. So I wanted to offer that option to you guys. And, we put together this form on our website. And you can request a website audit. And, so once you fill this form in then John’s going to do his piece, and I’m going to do my piece, and John, you can tell us a little bit about the section that you do and the things that you’re looking for, and how that works.

John Chvatal:

Well, my audit focuses on a broad range of topics. It doesn’t really go that deep into the content, that’s where Paula comes in. But, there are things that I focus on, like user experience. Is it mobile friendly? Does the digital branding look good? Friendly user navigation? Does it have a custom portal fore-page? Does it use relevant videos? Then moving on to conversion optimization. Noticeable phone number at the top of the website. Call to actions are in an appropriate place. Newsletter signup if appropriate. Testimonials, Chat functionality, social media share buttons, and then SEO functionality, keyword rankings, and Google Analytics. Do you have an address at the bottom of the page? Do you have a map displaying your location? Performance security. Does your website have HTTPS encryption? So that’s a Google ranking factor.

Paula Williams:


John Chvatal:

Moving on to technical audit. At the server level, does it hide the WordPress version because that can be a security risk? Does it hide the debug mode? The list goes on. There’s well over a 50 audit points that this hits.

Paula Williams:


John Chvatal:

So it goes on to accessibility. Does the website have a enough contrast between the text and the background, because that’s a growing issue nowadays with lawsuits and stuff like that. And-

Paula Williams:

And screen reader. Some people are using screen readers, even non-impaired people are using screen readers just for efficiency, so they can do their research while they’re doing something else.

John Chvatal:

Yeah. And actually most of the accessibility stuff that he built into the website, it just makes it easier for most people to read the website. It makes it higher contrast so it’s easier to read it. People don’t have to use as much brain power to read, a little contrast text. And, then also focusing on, is your website GDPR compliant? Does it have a privacy policy, cookie policy, whatever’s appropriate for your business?

Paula Williams:

Right. So added to those 50 some-odd points, then our audit does another 31 points on usability and content. It was what we focus on and your website as a component of a sales process, or in a lot of cases, your website is a big part of your sales process. People may go through 50, 60% of the sales process on your website before they ever pick up the phone and call you. And then, they just have a couple of questions before they make a purchase. So, how well is your website functioning and serving that role in your sales process? So, between the two of us, we put together a report, and we are going to prioritize our top three. So John and I are going to arm wrestle about which are the things that are the most important to make the biggest difference in your business, and present those to you with some recommendations of how we can work together to resolve those items.

Paula Williams:

And John, I know you work with a lot of software, and a lot of the software that you do, you sometimes will use different pieces of software that do the same thing. So, a lot of people on this who are listening to this call are already using Google Analytics or SEMrush as we send out a report to each month. It’s always good to get another perspective from a different piece of software, through a different lens, I guess.

John Chvatal:

Yeah, for sure. And I enjoy working with Paula, and she’s very much a more content-focused. I don’t claim to be a copywriter by any means, and she’s the expert in that area. So, I like the technical aspects, the techie stuff, and she likes the content.

Paula Williams:

Exactly. So we work together really, really well, and have been working together for a number of months on of your websites. So, you may have noticed some improved speed and performance as we’ve been shifting to a different hosting platform, and all of that is John’s impetus, so we really appreciate having them onboard, and we’re really looking forward to this next project together where we’re actually analyzing your website. So, if you’d like to participate in that, you can fill out the form on our website, or just let me know, and we’ll get your information, which we probably already have. Or if you have a new website that you haven’t told us about, that’s cool too. We’d love to take a look at that and give you some free advice, and see where that goes. So that’s our impetus for, that is our project for August, and we really look forward to working with you, so have a great week.