Ashley won our scholarship for 2020, and has been busy this year!

This video features some of her motion graphics, photography, and an amazing fundraiser she put together to help Reliance Aviation help the South Florida community.


Paula Williams:

Welcome to this week’s episode. Today, I had the opportunity to sit down with Ashley Granada. She is one of our scholarship recipients for this year, and we’re really happy to have her as part of our lab. Part of the reason that we really like doing those scholarships is because we get to meet folks that are maybe at entry level and other things, that they’re just getting started in their aviation career, and Ashley is one of those.

Just a little bit about Ashley. As an entirely self-taught aspiring marketing professional with an unshakeable passion for the aviation industry, Ashley has taken it upon herself to learn elements of aviation marketing including graphic design, motion graphics, social media management, aviation photography, Adobe Creative Cloud applications, and has even gone so far as learning website development all on her own. She’s driven by an unwavering willingness to learn and strongly believes that the creation and use of exceptional visual content plays a vital role in setting aviation companies apart.

That is from Ashley’s LinkedIn profile. I have to say, some of the things that she has done since I’ve known her are really, really impressive. She did some neat motion graphics for the community and her airport. Now she’s working on a project where she is doing a community fundraiser for Masks for Meals Miami, is the name of the fundraiser. Her FBO, Reliance Aviation, is doing a mask promotion where they’ve created some masks. Ashley has designed them. They’re really, really cool. A lot of people are in the market for aviation themed masks, and you can get them from Reliance Aviation for $6 bucks, and it goes to help a good cause. I’ll let Ashley tell you all about this fundraiser, how she came up with the idea, and how that all put together.

Ashley Granada:

Masks for Meals Miami is an event that I have created for our FCO, Reliance Aviation. We’re located in South Florida. I noticed that the NBAA group, the YoPro group was doing a healthy day. We had decided that it would work perfectly for their events as well, if we went ahead and we did a project that involved completing masks or providing meals for South Florida. What we’re doing is we are selling these masks and all of the proceeds are going to want to South Florida’s leading hunger relief organizations. Right now, we have actually optimized on our website to be able to receive online orders for these masks. They are only $6. They include the shipping and tax as well.

Our FBO has done charity events in the past. We usually do one about around Christmas time, which we go ahead and we do a toy drive for the Eig-Watson School of Aviation. We’ve done charity events in the past, and we thought that this would be really helpful as well to go ahead and complete in South Florida. It’s helping our community by protecting them, and it’s also doing it for a good cause. At our FBO right now, we have our customer service representatives there wearing these masks. It’s so amazing because people are coming in and everybody’s like, “Where did you get that?”

Paula Williams:

Right, because they’re cool.

Ashley Granada:

Yeah, people are coming to the front desk and and our VSRs are selling these masks and explaining that the proceeds are going to charity. Today, I have on launched online orders as well through our website at People can go ahead and order these masks.

Paula Williams:

You mentioned that while you were promoting this, you discovered something about getting some additional reach on this promotion, when you shared the posts in certain groups that it did better.

Ashley Granada:

Yeah. I’ve noticed that going ahead and sharing these posts in aviation groups is actually helping further promote this cause. It’s great because then more people in the industry are able to see what’s going on at SPOs in South Florida. What are we doing to help make an impact in the aviation community?

Paula Williams:

Right. Some of the groups that have really helped were the Women in Aviation, right?

Ashley Granada:

Yeah. Women in Aviation is another group that I’ve joined on Facebook. It’s a wonderful group, and I’m so glad to be a part of it. I’ve noticed people giving me feedback on how they like the mask designs and are also excited for this event.

Paula Williams:

That’s fantastic. Okay, so what’s next for this project? What happens next?

Ashley Granada:

What’s next on this project is that we might actually have to order some more masks, which is so exciting.

Paula Williams:

That’s a good problem to have.

Ashley Granada:

Yeah, it’s wonderful. It’s so great seeing people wearing these masks and that’s definitely … Our next goal is to keep it going as much as we can.

Paula Williams:

That’s fantastic. I know you mentioned this before, but just to wrap up, how can people find these masks and where do they go? You mentioned they’re $6, right?

Ashley Granada:

Yeah. They can go and actually purchase them directly at our FBO if they live in South Florida.

Paula Williams:


Ashley Granada:

They can purchase them at Reliance Aviation, or they can go ahead and go to our website, which is From there, and we have a tab that says, Masks for Meals Miami. When they click on that, it redirects them to the page that has the process for online orders. After they place this online order, one of our CSRs will go ahead and give them a call. That way they can provide them with the total for the order and go ahead and let them know on availability, and go ahead and begin the process for these orders.

Paula Williams:

Fantastic. Okay, so go to Click on the tab for Masks for Miami.

Ashley Granada:


Paula Williams:

Okay, got it. All right. Well, thank you, Ashley. Yeah, I’m really happy that you’re doing this. It’s good to see good people in aviation doing good things.

Ashley Granada:

Thank you so much, Paula. We really appreciate the support. We thank everybody for the wonderful feedback and generosity that we’re receiving on social media.