John, Mickey, Tylor Hall and myself discuss Mike Kaplan’s book, Secrets of a Master Closer.

And share our experiences in the aviation industry with using some of these methods.

Mickey Gamonal: My name is Mickey Gamonal. I am with ASVAB Domination. So, anybody you know who is joining the military and wants to get the highest possible score, go ahead and look me up at Gamonal Tutors.

Gamonal Tutors

Tylor Hall: I am a veteran myself.

Mickey: Oh, good for you, sir.

Tylor: So, we are always looking to hire veterans.

Mickey: Nice.

Tylor: And work of course, which I want to get the military contracts.

Paula Williams: Of course. Cool. Paula Williams with ABCI. Our latest project is our Aviation Sales and Marketing Bundle for Startups. That includes personal branding, prospecting, sales training, and a starter website, and social media profiles. And that bundle we just put together for startups and side hustles in the aviation industry because there are a lot of pilots who are on furlough now looking for a way to use that time. A lot of them going back now, but they have gotten a taste of freedom and probably have an idea that they are trying to execute on now.

John Williams: No longer employable once they get started their own business. John Williams and this is her company. I occasionally help out with some business consulting on the side, but their primary custody of marketing side.

Tylor: Tylor Hall with the Shrike Eagle Aviation. We are trying to start a new MRO maintenance, repair, and overhaul facility in Las Cruces, New Mexico and also may be teaming up with another operation of business development, building hangars here in the Albuquerque area. It is also interesting that the Las Cruces New Mexico Airport is also opening up more land for direct hangar development. So that are some new things down there.

John: And you said the cost that project was estimated 50 million, right?

Tylor: Yes. That is for the Cibola business park.

Paula: Right. So, Tylor you are looking for investors in that efforts?

Tylor: Yes, we are looking for investors. Yes.

Paula: Fantastic.

Tylor: And I think could be bigger with all these hangar development things. Do you realize that Gulf Stream is making lots of airplanes and got to put them at some place. They got to go in a box.

Paula: Right. No, they do not go in a box. And we can testify that Tylor is fantastic to work with and very detailed and he knows his stuff. So, definitely worth the time to talk to.

Mickey: Cool. Yeah, sounds like you are plugged in, and that kind of leads us right into the book. Right? It is basically the last step is creating opportunities to close. So, I would imagine for you, Tylor, being in that position where you hear about these things before everybody else. It is not something that happened accidentally. I am sure that your career has kind of brought you here and to a lot of other places as well.

Tylor: Yeah, I hope so. I am not ready to quit, you know? I have tried that, and that is not very good.

Mickey: Cool. So, just to talk a little bit about the book. So, it is Secrets Of A Master Closer: The Eight Step Roadmap. It says a simpler, easier, and faster way to sell anything to anyone, anytime, anywhere. Last month we talked about kind of like opening a sales call. This month is a lot more about closing the sales call.

Paula: Exactly. So, we kind of get the book ends there.

Tylor: Okay.

Mickey: So initially, it is like taglines. You know, the previous Big Al’s book building influence and rapport, is about using lines that relate to people and kind of get people on your side, building trust, rapport, that sort of thing. This one is more about executing a sale. And even though it does have a chapter on introduction and the chapter on presentation, the ultimate goal of all of it is to close. So, that is one thing that I thought this book did really well, is it was very close oriented. Where a lot of books I think tend to skirt that. They try to just say, oh if they do not trust you, if they do not believe you, how to make friends, you know, that is kind of thing. But this one is about like, make, not necessarily manipulating your prospect, but getting them to the point where they are ready to execute that sale. So, I really did enjoy that part, personally.

John: There is the statistic somewhere, which I do not recall, but know that the majority of sales that are not made or simply because the salesperson did not ask for the sale, they did not ask for it.

Tylor: Yeah, you have to ask for the sale and you have to listen for the– I do not know what the book said, but listening for the signs that this is going to solve this problem. We are problem solvers. What is this my widget here? You know, how is this widget going to help solve his problem.

Paula: Help us wake up.

John: So, sometimes you cannot and you have to acknowledge that fact.

Tylor: Right.

John: I sold used cars and this lady came in with a Dodge truck says she needs a new truck. I said, “Okay”, and there is a question I just decided to ask them. “Why do you need a new truck?” “What is wrong with this one?” “Oh, it has got this problem” and so on and I took her aside and said, “Ma’am”, and she was almost in tears because she said, “I do not know if I can afford a new truck”. I said, “Well, I can tell you what is wrong with your truck having already repaired one myself with that as then you go to the mechanic and you tell them this is what it means and you will probably get away for four or five hundred dollars and said, there is no reason to buy a new truck for that.” And she was in tears and thanked me and with how are you–

Paula: And you got fired.

John: My boss is no match, but it was right thing to do.

Tylor: Well, and you make a reputation for yourself you are talking about building your own brand. That is a personal brand, right? This is something new to me. You know, I always thought of the brand is the company I work for, but it is not.

Paula: Especially, nowadays.

Tylor: Yeah, and I am specially surprised at the websites I see and they do not talk about their people. Who are they are talking to? Who is the owner of this company? What did he do? Works, you know– What about the support people? Now, I have seen others. They got a whole long list of people with resumes on each one. Ah, okay. I do not need to talk the CEO. I need to talk to the CFO or the COO or your senior sales guy.

Paula: We have got a banker that we followed around to three different banks because he is so good and he knows our situation. He knows our business and he goes out of his way to propose solutions to whatever problem we bring him. And so we do not care whether he is working for Chase or credit union or somebody else. We want that banker, right? So, we do not care about the brand we care about that person and we have accounts, right?

John: So, we have accounts all over the place because everywhere he moved we followed him and open an account so we can talk to it.

Paula: Yeah. Just for the purpose of having access to this guy and that is personal branding. I think it is best and I think what people are looking for these days is somebody to shake hands with and that they can trust so that is a– Mickey you got kind of a different situation because people are– You are usually dealing with one person who can make a decision within that phone call, within the context of that phone call and Tylor you are on the opposite end of that spectrum because usually when you are looking for investors and things like that, it is months or years before they have all the information and their budget arranged and the people that they need to get approvals from and it is just kind of, this phone call versus eight months from now is the range of sales processes I think on this phone call, which is really cool.

Mickey: Yeah, absolutely. But nine times out of ten, my people are just waiting to hear something special and reading these books help me figure out what that thing is, but I am not at the point where I can close anybody anytime yet. But one day I would like to get to the point where I can work through those “The Gatekeepers”, right? And start making bigger sales, higher impact sales where your entire salary is dependent on just this one or two sales per year and that would be– I feel like that would make it easier and harder at the same time, but definitely would make it focused as opposed to kind of taking sales calls all day long and checking your success rate, but it does not really amount whether you close or not. So, one day I would like to get closer to that side. What do you think of going through the gatekeepers, Tylor?

Tylor: Well, the gatekeepers, you have got to find a way to get your message to the person behind that gatekeeper and the more senior the people are, the more gatekeepers that are in front of you and I do not know– I do not have the magic bullet against to that but you got to find a way to get something to them and there is one investor we have contacted up in Colorado. And I have done some background research. I am going through somebody else but I got the word that I do not want to look at a 50 page presentation. I want it in 2 or 3, 5 pages at the max. And so that was good information for me. So, in my email I sent to him, I said, “You need to go to page 4 and you will get the–”

Mickey: The summary synopsis.

Tylor: “Quick little summary and over here on page 14 is the spreadsheet.” This is the numbers, here are the numbers. And it condenses fifty pages of something to 2, hoping to get his attention.

Paula: Right. And you have got both kinds of people because I want to know the whole story. So, I want the fifty pages and John wants the spreadsheet and that is it.

Tylor: I will send you the spreadsheet John and you will get the 50 pages.

John: And I like the executive summary before I dig in to that thing and go piece here and there.

Tylor: Go to page 4 and page 14, you get the executive summary.

Paula: One thing I really liked about Michael Kaplan’s approach was the cards. He wrote index cards of all of the different approaches he had ever heard of and then he tried them, and I guess he was in a business where he had a high enough volume that he could actually put check marks on each card every time it was good, bad or ugly. So, he did kind of a scientific approach to all of the different approaches and all of the different objection handling and everything else and I do not know how he was managing all these cards on his desk because that, to me, would get in the way of having a conversation. I just need to throw all that out and have it in my head and by that time I am just having a conversation with a person because if I had all those cards on my desk,
I would just go nuts. But I am glad he did it because then he can show you, here were the best performing approaches in each category and he put that in the book and so that is cool. But I am glad I do not have to do it.

John: No, my favorite approach is to talk to somebody, figure out their problem and show them that I can assist with that, whatever it is. And then had him say, “How do I sign up?” Have them ask those sale. Then you know that you got them because they understand what you are selling and they know they need it then they come to you.

Paula: Right. I think in the aviation industry a lot of times it has more to do with their timing and their circumstances than it does with anything that I could say as a salesperson. So, a lot of times closing a lot of the closing techniques that they have in the book, anyway are kind of not appropriate for where we are. I can usually just ask people, “What do you think our next step should be?” And let them dictate it and that is usually the best closing approach for me is okay. “Here is you have agreed with everything that we have talked about so far. That is great. What do you think our next step should be?” And that is usually my closing technique, let them take it from there and say, “Well, I have to talk to this person” or “Let us write you a check” or “When can you install?” or “When can we get started?” or whatever.

Tylor: The other person to look for is the hidden decision maker. I was on Facebook yesterday and a guy is looking for somebody that he can charter 421 from Wichita and take the family to Florida because the wife did not like little airplanes. I finally realized that this guy needs whoever is taking them to sell the airplane, but to sell the comfort and the ease and all has nothing to do with the 421, but this is what it offers– is benefits. What are the benefits here?

Paula: Yep. The interior luxurious shot with the–

Tylor: He does not care about the 384 horsepower six-cylinder whiz- bang engines or the propellers or what is the paint job? Is the seat comfortable? Is the air-conditioning running right? Do I have funny smells?

Mickey: And there are salespeople that would spend 6 months selling they guy on the engine capabilities or something along those lines and completely it is so easy to miss the more–

Tylor: He has already bought the airplane. He is just trying to justify it to his wife.

Paula: There is always that second sale, because your guy might be a hundred percent on board, but then he has got to sell it to his boss or his wife or his board or his whatever so, there is always that second sale where you got to give them the bullet points right so that they will be able to get through that conversation without being embarrassed or we will be able to get that other person on their side.

Mickey: For sure. Even if it is just looking yourself in the mirror and being like I made a good decision by buying this thing. There is always going to be a speculation of, “Was this worth it?” So, as much as you can close that first time around, you got to deliver for sure. You got to come through with something worthwhile.

Tylor: I saw another picture of a guy bragging about he is taking his family in the brand new airplane to wherever that 4 or 5 hour flight away and I realized the picture he made shooting back from the cockpit, all those kids had their iPhones and their iPads and they are laying in back and everybody is chilled out in the back and this is an opportunity to upsell him and say, “You know, you may really need this internet connection thing to the satellite above you to keep your people in the back happy, they can see and watch the movie, and this is the new technology which we now have from the avionics suburban and it is also highly secure.” If it is a business person.

Paula: Yeah, because they are buying convenience. They are not necessarily buying the airplane. Thereby, I guess the old saying is you do not go to the hardware store to buy a drill, you go to the hardware store to buy a quarter inch hole because that is what you need, right?

Tylor: To make the whole, yeah.

Paula: Right. You do not need a drill. You just need the means to make that happen and a lot of people who buy aircraft, some of them are actually buying the aircraft because they love that particular thing or they are buying a piece of history or they are buying the performance or they are buying whatever, but most people are buying convenience. And so that is the whole. That is what you need to sell them and–

Tylor: Especially corporate aircraft engines if that is what we are talking about. Not only convenience, but safety. Security. Not everybody is going to get shots like they should and they are still concerned about not wanting to travel with the crowd and then sell that and benefits.

Mickey: It is really in line with when he talks. He talks about tie downs, which are yes agreements from the prospect. And so, he uses the example of a car salesman who is selling a car with all these capabilities, right? And so you can say, A the car is safe. Or, well no. First, you can say the car has airbags. Then you say the benefit of the car that has airbags and then you ask for their agreement. So, rather than just saying the car is safe or this car has 12 airbags. What you say is this car has 12 airbags which results then you talk about the benefit and safety for your children. Would you not agree that that is important? And once you get that yes, that is a tie down. So, every time that you can build that yes pattern, you are getting–

Tylor: I get that. Yeah, I love that.

Mickey: So, it sounds exactly what I am talking about because as a salesperson you get caught up in the features. You do not think about the benefits personally, especially I have built everything I have made. Everything I sell is something I built and I am like, this is cool because of dot dot dot dot dot and like, it is because I created it. I know they do not care about WordPress. They do not care at all. There are videos that are attached to quizzes that test you on averages like, they do not care about that. They just want to pass and so–

Paula: Pass the ASVAB.

Tylor: Well, it is also who you are talking to. Are you talking to the CEO wants safety for his people or you are talking to the corporate pilot that wants the latest whiz-bang.

Paula: Exactly. They want the toys. So, it is all different motivations, but I mean and often you are selling to more than one person. So, you do have to get a tie down here, a tie down there, a tie down there. And Xander calls them portholes, right? You know, when you are going from one end of the submarine to the other. Get through this end of the portal you get the pre-frame. I think we should meet for 30 minutes and talk about this. They agree to the meeting, you close that portal. You get to the next portal. Do you agree that this is a problem? Yes, I agree that that is a problem. You close that portal. So, then your submarine is more likely to not sink the more portals you get closed, right? So, that is a neat–

Mickey: Analogy.

Paula: Analogy. Yeah. Getting those portals closed.

John: Over simplification is not good either.

Paula: I agree.

John: I mean I took my daughter, when she first moved into town, out to buy a car and she had her heart set on, I will not say the name because it was a disaster. But we walked into this– And we looked to the cars and all the stuff, walked in to the sales guy and he says, “Well [inaudible] these car sell themselves. And I thought, I did not say it, but I thought, “Really? Where is the vending machine I put money in to get the key now I do not need you. We left and he– We stood up and looked at her and we walked out, leaving with our mouth not even opening and she would have bought the car. But he told her no.

Paula: Pretty much, yeah.

Mickey: I mean that is what they come for like as soon as the prospects coming in to see you it is because they want to– they want what you have.

John: That is what I mean, and until such time if you can actually go someplace and put money in a vending machine to get a set of keys out and drive off with it, but you cannot. Sales guys are needed and girls. Sales people.

Mickey: Oh but there is vending machine right outside the strip now. Carvana. It is a beautiful piece of equipment. So, you are driving on the I-15 and you see gigantic stack of Bugatti.

Paula: Yeah, that is cool. It is a gigantic car vending machine, literally.

John: I know. I have seen it on net. Okay, but if you can get the car you want that way, the price you want, then you do not need a sales guy.

Mickey: Yup. That is why still this guy’s days are numbered. I mean, not necessarily numbered, right? But you have to, like anybody who is in a profession, you have to adapt, you have to adapt to the change.

Paula: And there will always be people who want or need to talk to somebody because the particular question they have is not answered by the website or they want that warm fuzzy feeling of there is somebody who is behind this that has a personal brand that I trust.

John: And what that mean is all the sales guys are going to end up edging toward marketing. Right? Because you are going to become marketers so that they probably need vending machines of cars, people go up there and know what is number to poke in to get what they want.

Paula: Or focusing more on the personal brand and saying. “I am the guy you want to buy a car from because I will stand behind it and I will solve any problems you have and I am your guy, I am your huckleberry.”

Mickey: And as such, you are always going to need that kind of stuff. Just like how you are talking at the beginning of this podcast about how you go to a big corporate website and you do not see any people. I am sure the same is true with Carvana there and their vending machines is if you do not see any people, a lot of people are going to be suspect to that and with good reason. Big corporations, they definitely get a bad rap often times, but without any person to kind of defend them or speak up, what opportunity do they have? There is always a benefit to having a personal touch, in my opinion.

John: Yeah. The other thing too is they have a big vending machine, but do they have a place to get it repaired?

Mickey: They probably have some sort of a warranty or something. I am sure they got all sorts of stuff stacked up, but again, do you trust it?

John: And how do you know that if it is not a sales guy ringing to talk to you?

Tylor: Well, I think you are going to have again sales guy seeing somebody walk into the showroom is kind of going away. And I have heard that some people are saying that the whole car industry is completely changed to the shopping online. But now they do have to get connected to somebody you close the deal as the salesman still there, but he may be on the zoom meeting and oh, yeah, we can have the car delivered to your front door for your test drive.

John: The test driver side, we have talked to Tesla because we only get one of those cars maybe later this year, but you can figure that car online. You put the money for the down payment online. You decided you want to lease it or buy it online.

Paula: Even if you are in the room they walk you through this online right?

John: Online, right? And then, as a matter of fact up until recently, it was illegal for a salesman to sell a Tesla in Salt Lake City.

Paula: They did not have a license.

John: And the city would not provide it, they could not get it.

Mickey: That is awesome. I mean I put down my down payment on the Tesla truck. It is an ugly thing, but it looks amazing. I did not put down the down payment but you got to put $100 to reserve it. Fair enough as soon as that thing comes out, they are not going– I am not going to get– I do not think I am gonna get a call from a Tesla salesman. I am pretty sure what is gonna happen is they are going to you know ping me on the DM’s and have me build it up like a cheeseburger burger.

John: It is easy to do because if you go online– Because we configure the sedan and we configured the SUV. We have both configurations and out there. Just waiting for first to execute.

Mickey: They are beautiful vehicles, too. They are awesome.

Tylor: Let me tell you what I am working on. Atlantic Aviation in California owns a number of refuel trucks that are pre 2011.

John: What kind of trucks?

Tylor: Refuel trucks. Putting jet fuel on airplane. Now, they were under a exempt category if they can record how many miles you drove them this month. They drove 6 miles because it never leaves the airport. You are under a hundred miles a year, you are exempt. So a big chunk of these guys– No. Atlantic Aviation has 9 locations in California. They have forty, fifty trucks they may have to get rid of by next January 1 or 2022.

John: Why are they getting rid of them?

Tylor: Well, they have to get them out of state. They cannot use them. They have to shut them down. The exemption goes away.

John: Right exemption goes away. I got it.

Tylor: The state is going to shut them down or you get a fine. Well, we figured out how to take that diesel engine out of that international, that DT 466 and replace it with electric motor, bolts up to the transmission.

Paula: Very cool.

Tylor: Battery pack and we start putting solar cells on the top so it becomes–

Paula: A green vehicle. Well, congratulations! That is so much better than taking him to Mexico and selling them. You know, it would be the–

Tylor: Going to do that, would sell them too but–

Mickey: It will probably be about 50-50 because somebody has got to make a new fuel there. That is still pretty cool. You are basically on the cutting edge of the–

Tylor: And these are not high usage vehicles. We are not driving 400 miles electric power. They may get 2 or 3 miles a day. If that couple hundred feet.

Paula: The perfect use case for electric cars.

Tylor: And the region even making them take the Hobart 90KVA is part of our track PT GPU. Got to get rid of those two. They are not tear for diesel engines. Well, like that diesel engines is the Cummings Dodge pickup engine, take that out and I was talking to this guy only all people in this company have electric cars. They have all modified their own because they get the parts that cost and he said I could bury my JMC1 thunder to electric. Oh, yeah. I mean that is a 750 Avgas truck. And now it does not matter what age the truck is. These things do not wear out.

Mickey: Not at 4-mile domestic.

Tylor: Oh, I have seen a 30 year old truck with 16,000 miles on it.

Paula: Yeah, it is almost like airplanes. I mean they are older airplanes and this is one reason that this is going to be different I think, than automobiles because you can order an automobile from a vending machine but most of the planes that are sold these days are older aircraft and they are not something you can configure yourself and you got to get somebody like Jeremy or somebody like that they can do an evaluation of the aircraft and go through the log books and everything else and somebody that you trust and somebody that has a personal brand and all of those things to represent to you, which of these two used aircraft is the better value for your use case, for your mission, right?

Tylor: Exactly what I want to do. I want to take that 1966 whatever. You are not driving a 1966 Mustang with a daily driver, but that is exactly what we are doing. A freeder[?] is what, 30, 35 years old on the average or more. I am looking at buying an aero commander behind me. That is a 1963. It is all original. Well. I got to start over and we will do a photo rehab of exactly what we do to it. This has not been done very often. Your hand is set of books and well, new log books will now be all digitized and I can give them a book, picture book. This is what we have done to this airplane. Not just fix the engine, new engines, new pedals. I mean everything new. Cannot reuse a circuit breaker, so all the wires, all the LED lights will be all brand-new and the latest whiz-bang, and the latest comfort aspect of it. The early airplanes did not have any air conditioning. Well, now we can put air conditioning and everything. You would not buy a car today without air conditioning. You cannot buy a car today without air conditioning.

Paula: And that fits into this. The idea that you have that we have talked about before of following an aircraft all the way through its renovation and showing people pictures of every step of the way that is such a credibility builder, and then you can show that to somebody else and say this is what we are going to do to your airplane. And I mean that is just such a better sales approach than twisting somebody’s arm and using some of these– And that is the one downside, I think if I wanted to just give one– This is what I hate about this book and that is some of the clothes are so old and cheesy that people will see them coming a million miles away and feel insulted that you tried it on them. So, that is my warning with this book is just do not– Some of these things you got to think about him and not using verbatim because they are just so–
A tactic known is a tactic blown, and some of them are just over the top and I am sure Tylor you have probably heard everything can be done as a close, from people trying to sell you something and the team–

Tylor: Well, selling an airplane– You are selling usually to a pilot. Even though it may be the corporate play and it is the pilot has been tasked to go find one and I could see us going to Oshkosh with 4 or 5 airplanes all ready to go. And in fact, they did see that at Oshkosh when you are a guy had three aircraft they restored. Fresh paint interior engines. They look gorgeous. They sold immediately and he was not a hard sell. He said, “You want to look at this, here get into it. Feel it. See whatever we have done to this thing and come ask me some questions.” Let the airplane do the selling.

Paula: Yeah. And you know, as for the sale, I mean in a respectful way, I have no problem with that, but it is just some of the wording that they used and it could be there are some people who can say anything and it sounds perfectly fine. And then there are some people that make just about anything sound insulting. So maybe that the problem is that I have heard it from people on the phone some of these phrases and it just– Really? You are going to try that one on me? I do not think so. You know, it could be just a style thing.

Mickey: I do not know. I kind of like some of the cheesy stuff for sure like the– one of them that stood out to me is something I have heard and being like okay, this guy is clearly trying to sell me, right? “If money were not an issue would you want to buy this product?” And I feel like that is a safe statement. On the one hand, I mean from a seller’s perspective, if you say that, you are going to get a lot of pretty good information. But you have to say it sincerely. I think you have to say it assuming that the sale is blown, right? And now you are having a conversation. If you say that with the idea that, well whatever they say I am just going to refute, that is going to– That can be smelt right and that is what– Okay, this guy is just trying to get my cash.

Paula: I think the cheesiest one for me was the thermometer close. You know, “Where are you today?” “On a scale of 1 to 10, where are you on this sale?” That has just been used so often and then the follow-up to that, “What would it take to get you to attend today?”

Mickey: Too much.

Tylor: That is a hard sell.

Paula: Yeah to me in aviation anyway, that would not work. What do you guys think?

Tylor: You have to find out who all the decision makers are and who you are talking to.

John: You got to use that you have to be on the top guy.

Paula: Does it sound insulting to you though? I mean does it sound, I do not know what the word would be. It is just– I guess I have heard it so many times from people trying to sell me something that to me, it is kind of a turn-off, but that could be just a personal opinion.

Mickey: Well, some of the people you have heard though, I have heard and those people had no class and from did not really care. So, they came across almost in time.

Paula: Yes, callous or– Yeah. Stop wasting my time. I do not really care about you. I just want to know where we are in the sales process. So I want to know how much more time I should be wasting with you before I move on to the next guy. I mean that was kind of the way it is about that one, but so I would never use that one personally, but there were some good ones in there.

Mickey: Yeah. No, definitely a wealth of knowledge. I mean every single chapter has twelve exercises at the end where you write your own objection barriers and methods for gathering leads and all over all through the sales process.

Tylor: Well another way of getting to where they are in the process is asking questions. But you are not demanding an answer. Do you want this airplane? No.

John: Better for me if you got it today.

Tylor: Yeah, you will starve to death. It is a matter of asking, “What do you think about this feature?” “Is that important to you?” Get him to talk to you about the feature, the benefit. And he will say, “Well no, that is not terribly important. I really want to know about this feature.”

Paula: Right. And that might be the problem that I had. It was so unspecific, “Do you want to buy this airplane today?” That is kind of ridiculous, but it is a, “Do you agree that these features are important?” That would be fine.

Tylor: And the question could be, “Wat do you think about the safety features we have got built into this. The redundancy features, is that important to you?” Now you will find out what is important to him or, “I do not care about the color I want leather seat”.

Paula: Exactly and that is more caring I think, of the person that you are selling to?

Tylor: Well you are getting yeses. The option is just get a series of yeses where there is no no.

Paula: Exactly. I think that is absolutely right.

Mickey: Well, I think it is a good place to end it as far as it really is kind of what you guys said in the beginning putting the client first.

Tylor: Let me ask you Mickey. Where are you located?

Mickey: I am here in Vegas. North Las Vegas. Let me know if you come by. I will buy you a drink. No, probably not coffee. Cool. So, what we do at the end, we just pitch out. So, I will go first and then Tylor it is nice meeting you. Anytime you want to hit me up feel free if you like. If you find yourself in Vegas, especially.

Paula: Right. If you know anybody in the military that need some help because I am really good at helping people get into better situations if they are in the wrong job.

Mickey: So, my name is Mickey Gamonal. If you are joining the military and want the highest possible score on the ASVAB, look me up

Paula: Paula Williams, ABCI. We help aviation companies sell more of their products and services.

John: And all I can say is even what she is doing.

Tylor: And I am Tylor Hall of Shrike Eagle Aviation. Trying to build the best aviation maintenance company around highest quality.

John: That works.

Paula: Well said!

Tylor: Good. Thank you very much. I really appreciate the time.

Mickey: Hey, thanks for coming. I hope you can come in two weeks. Well, it is a little more free flow. This one we bought a book but every two weeks it is a book and then I am not sure– It is kind of like a information seeking type of deal rather than let us talk about this specific book. We actually–

Tylor: In two weeks I may be really busy moving. So, I think–

Paula: Good for you!

Tylor: I cannot guarantee it but I love working with you guys and John, I do want to talk with you.

John: Why don’t you give me a call when you get off phone?

Tylor: All right, sounds good. I will call you right away.

Go sell more stuff! America needs the business!


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