“Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty!” – Harvey Mackay


How do some of your competitors get mentioned in the news all the time?

Why is it that they are showing up in the aviation industry publications?

Why do they have all the great logos on their web site?

How can you get some of that fabulous publicity?

I could tell you it’s quick and easy, but I’d be lying.

You can always purchase press release distribution service, fill out of form and spend some cash, and they do all the work for you.

But you won’t have reporters for the best, most specific aviation-related publications calling you for an interview based on a paid release.  (Unless you are giving away free 100 Low Lead!)

Like anything worth doing or any relationship worth building, getting known and trusted by aviation journalists and podcasters takes some work!

Here’s how we do it:


ABCI has been seen in AIN, NBAA, FSANA, Forbes, AOPA, Aviation Week . . .




Ask yourself (better yet-  ask your customers!)

  • What publications do your customers read?
  • What podcasts do they listen to?
  • What blogs and forums do they frequent?

Start with a Google search. Some searches to consider:

  • Podcasts for beginning flight students in the United States
  • Magazines for VIP travel coordinators in Europe.
  • Publications for aircraft engine repair in the Northwest United States.

As you collect your list of publications, also visit their “about us” page.

Download a Media Kit or Advertiser kit to see the demographics they cater to.

Read a few issues.


Find names of individual reporters from the “About Us” page. Follow them on social media.

Start a list of reporters, and make it part of your weekly habit to read their articles and comment on them on their web sites or on social media. (I particularly like LinkedIn for this, because it’s easy and credible.)

Comment on their articles when appropriate.  Show your interest and expertise by asking good questions and contributing useful information.  

The best time to start ASKING for things is AFTER you’ve started to build a relationship.

THEN get in the habit of sending them very tailored, targeted news releases!