ABCI is a Fractional Marketing Department for Aviation Companies


That creates a custom, detailed response for each customer.


There are three reasons aviation professionals need our help right now:


  1. Your customers (and their expectations and suspicions) have changed!
  2. The marketplace has changed.
  3. Technology has changed.


Aviation customers are different.


Customers these days aren’t just sitting around waiting for your salesperson to call on them.  They are busy and smart and they do their own research online, and probably already know quite a bit about your product or service BEFORE they pick up the phone to call you. They expect to have their questions answered quickly. They are quick to broadcast any dissatisfaction with your product or service.


Any businessperson who has survived the past two years is familiar and comfortable with scanning a QR code to see a product demo, or jumping on Zoom to talk about a business transaction.



The marketplace is different.


Your customer has a lot more confidence in buying online than they had five years ago.  They think of your competitors as mere clicks away rather than two states (or two countries) away. Online transactions and international shipping have become the norm, even for engine overhauls or flight training.


Technology has changed.


It used to be that a fairly technical person could create a web site and do a fairly decent job of optimizing it for search engine optimization.


Just having a web site was enough. People would find you.


But now, SEO and social media and Google Ads have gotten so technical and competitive and expensive that you can lose a ton of money trying to do it yourself.


Now it takes expensive software and SEO experts to do what used to happen by default.


And we have access to an AMAZING amount of big data about customers and buying behavior. Your competitors are using it, even if you aren’t!


What Hasn’t Changed


Aviation customers are still looking for the best products, services, vendors and partners.  They still appreciate trust, convenience and thoughtfulness.  They still want personal relationships with trusted suppliers. They want to know, like and trust the people they do business with.


The problem is that even if your company provides the best products and services, you will not attract and acquire customers if you’re still doing business like it was five years ago.


That’s where we come in.


Some of our clients have described us this way:


ABCI is to aviation marketing what NetJets is to aircraft.


People join fractional aircraft programs because they want the convenience of private aircraft ownership without the overhead.


They can choose from a variety of options that can change for each trip, and not waste money on an aircraft sitting in a hangar.


People join ABCI’s Marketing Lab because they want the professional results of a marketing department without the overhead.


They can choose from a variety of options that can change for each month, and not pay for the overhead of a full-time marketing team.


Another similarity – people join fractional aircraft programs and jet card programs because they want to fly private.  But they stay because of the networking opportunities.   Most of these programs offer concerts, vacation clubs, networking and invitation-only social opportunities that provide opportunities for rubbing elbows with potential business partners and friends that improve their lives.


Aviation professionals join ABCI because they want marketing services.  But they stay because of the networking opportunities.  Our program offers group office hours, networking breakfasts, and invitation-only social media groups for rubbing elbows with other aviation sales and marketing professionals. Many of our members have made friends and created profitable partnerships from the folks they meet.


The Options


ABCI has flexible membership levels from $279 a month and up, depending on the services you need.


ABCI provides any and all of the following in the combinations you require in today’s market:


  • Web sites and SEO, organic and paid Google marketing.
  • Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram campaigns
  • Trade show support
  • Direct mail and mixed media campaigns
  • Video scripting, production and editing
  • Content marketing and ghost writing
  • Brochures, product sheets,
  • Sales presentations, keynotes and educational presentations and courses
  • Logos, branding and messaging
  • Email and CRM campaigns
  • Custom and group Office Hours


We help you evaluate your current sales process and marketing system, and to create the materials that will make the biggest difference to your bottom line first.


Join us Today!