2020 is finally (just about) over!

They say our toughest times are the times when we learn the most and actually make the most progress, even though it may not be evident.

What was your best lesson from 2020?

Ben Lamb, Debbie Murphy, David Pearl, Mickey Gamonal, John and Paula Williams discuss this topic.

Transcript –


Mickey Gamonal: My name is Mickey Gamonal. I run Gamonal Tutors where we are doing ASVAB Domination. So if you or anyone you know needs help dominating the ASVAB, feel free to look me up, that is Gamonal Tutors.

Paula Williams: Paula Willams, ABCI. We are doing sales training for aviation professionals and we are also doing, by popular demand, resume assistance for aviation professionals as well. So that is something we are just starting this year or next year, 2021.

John Williams: John Williams, also with ABCI. She is the rockstar, I do the back end stuff, finances.

Dave Pearl: I am Dave Pearl. I am The Flywriter. I write for aviation businesses. If it involves writing, I can write it. I will put wings to your idea.

Ben Lamb: My name is Ben Lamb. I am with Renegade Materials Corporation. That is a high-temperature advanced composite material manufacturer. We are providing these high-temp materials to aircraft and engine OEMs where there are high-temp applications, defense, and commercial. I live here in Indianapolis with the main manufacturing plant being in Dayton, Ohio.

Debbie Murphy: I am Debbie Murphy. I am the VP of Marketing and Digital Strategy for JetBrokers. We help our clients buy and sell jets and turboprops.

Mickey: Cool. Let us jump right in. 2020, a crazy year. I am going to go first. For this year, the biggest thing that I learned was scalability. For the longest time in my profession as an ASVAB tutor or just a general math tutor, I was taught you had to go one student at a time. I have also been a full-time teacher where I had a hundred and eighty students. I just could not imagine a situation where I could have multiple students at once as a tutor. So that was probably the biggest eye-opening thing, particularly during this time of COVID, where everyone is separated. It actually proved to be an excellent catalyst for getting more people into my classroom at once. Because, of course, nobody can be next to each other. So of course, it is online. So it is like everything kind of fell into place for that scalability for me. So I would say scalability was my big 2020 lesson.

Paula: So I guess the question is, it sounds like 2020 was a great year for scaling just about any business because people are suddenly adopting all this technology that they did not use before. Would you agree with that?

Mickey: I would. I think that people are trying to fill their time right now, right? So now more than ever, there are people who want to feel productive and feel like they are making strides towards their goals and not just turn into lumps for quarantine. So if you can harness that, I think you have a lot to work with.

Paula: Fantastic. I think that is cool. I know some of the technology that you are using. So I think it is really fantastic to think about the things that you do, and what could you do on a larger scale, and how could you make one sale into five or ten or twenty? That is a great thing.

Mickey: Yes. Exactly. For the next year, I am hoping to break into webinars and some other like more structured things to create a clientele. But just getting the general idea of, “Wow, I could help as many students as I helped as a sixth-grade teacher easily.” Which are a hundred and eighty students. I can do that all day every day and I would get so much more out of it than being a sixth-grade teacher just because I would get help, right? Like I can fail my students if I want to, and they are paying you to fail, which is just incredible because it is so powerful that they are invested into their future enough to see the flaws in what they have right now. So it has been a great year for me. Like this business did not really exist until this year. So for my year, it is kind of like a big light turning on. Then hopefully, over the coming years, it will be smaller lights all behind this general idea.

Paula: Cool.

John: Very good.

Paula: Yes. I was going to say something else, but actually, I am going to carry on that same vein, and I am going to say, not necessarily scalability, but learning and collaboration. We used to do a lot of consulting, one on one consulting, with people, and we still do, that is our bread and butter, a lot of it is very collaborative. So what we do tends to be very, very one on one. But if the other person or if the person who hired us does not participate and fully engaged and fully participates, it does not go as well as it would otherwise.

So I guess what I have learned is how to use these tools to get people to do what I need them to do. So all of these reminders, all of these other things, and a lot of cases, people are just so busy, that they do not behave themselves in the way that I want them to. So being an obsessive-compulsive project manager, and working on a marketing project with the client as an example, there are a lot of ways that we can use the new technology and things like that without being in the same room with people to get them to do what we need to do. That makes it more scalable, it makes my job easier, and it makes everything better. So what I would say is every single aviation company we work with can learn from this and can do webinars like Mickey was saying and can do a course, maybe an onboarding course, or how do I know what materials I need? That would be a great webinar for Ben’s company. How do I know how to work with a writer? What does that process look like? That would be a great webinar or class for David. How do I know how to buy an aircraft? That would be a great course or a webinar for Debbie’s folks to deliver. Everybody is participating a lot more, I think, in their own experience, and they are not just throwing things over the wall and expecting a product in return, they are collaborating on products. They have to know something in order to make that happen to get the quality result. So, yes, collaboration and tools, I guess, are my two big takeaways from this year.

John: Well, I am a little more, I guess, you might say, esoteric, but the thing that was forced on me this year is the fact that you have got to maintain and manage long term cash flow. Because I can tell you if you do not it is going to bite you when prices go up and down, and clients go away and come back, not as many come back, it really, really gets interesting if you have not managed it for a long term perspective. That is probably about all I can say about that. The other thing I was going to say is politics and the ninety-five percent level I ignore.

Paula: You can not spend too much time and energy in politics. Yes. Vote, you are done.

Mickey: It is a good rule of thumb, especially for this year. But what as far as cash flow, can you be a little more specific? That is the Rich Dad Poor Dad thing where your assets outnumber your liabilities, or what specifically do you mean by long term cash flow?

John: No. I am not talking about really specific cash flow. When I was sixteen, I was standing around with my dad and a group of his buddies, and they were all tallying what they were talking about. But there is one guy, he stepped over to me, he said, “John, you need to remember two words that will run your life, or you can use it to run your life, it is cash flow. That is going to be the thing you have got to learn and manage for the rest of your life.” Boy, was he right. Because you have to know what your expenses are for the year, you have to know what your revenues are for the year because those are going to go up and down. But your expenses are going to remain the same. You need to be managing one against the other and can see that your revenues, you got to go down with the expenses you have but you need to figure out how to get those expenses down. Sometimes it is painful, sometimes it is necessary to happen. Now, along with that, sometimes you need to disinvite clients from participating for reasons of cash flow. They want more than what they are paying for and it just has to go away. It is just not profitable, and we are not here to lose money on a client. We do not have to make all our money off one and we do not.

Paula: To give an example, flight schools have really been hurt this year. A lot of them can not have classes. So they have had to revamp their business models. So there is a couple of clients that we have been working with saying, “Okay, let us see if we can provide services for less money for you, for some amount of time, and we can go into the red for a great client, and we have no problem with that for a certain amount of time, but we can not bleed forever. So in some cases, we have been doing some things where we go, “Okay, we can reduce this expense if we can reduce this service that we provide.” Then we can reduce this expensive group and juggling those numbers has been John’s job. He has been doing a fantastic job of making that work, where we can balance that so we can charge them a hundred dollars less and do a hundred dollars less of expense on our end. Just kind of jiggling that down and then back up again, as needed, so that we can revamp them so that they are ready to go when it is over or when they are able to invite students back again.

John: Part of the magic of what we do is the fact that we have enough clients that we hit the enterprise version of the software as an example that can be spread over all those clients, whereas if we got an individual piece of software, then it would be too expensive. Even so, it was scary to death if I told you how much we spend on software last year. I mean, we get the taxes, taxes to that software, and he said, “What?” Then we had to go back through all the bills to come make sure it really is that much, and it is, it is just crazy.

Paula: It is. But it takes a very sharp pencil and a whole lot of spreadsheets to keep us afloat so that we are not going too far into the red for any given client that needs a break or whatever.

John: So that is when I had my cash flow.

Paula: Right.

Debbie: John has been busy this year.

Paula: Oh, my God.

Mickey: Cool. I guess all CFOs this year kind of had it rough.

Debbie: Actually, people who sell jets are having a good year this year.

John: Oh, they should.

Debbie: They are selling everything that you can fly.

John: Except for the heavy one, the big ones, right?

Debbie: Yes. They are not selling. Everything else is going. Our guys are busy right now, they are still traveling around. Except for me, I do not have to leave my house.

Paula: Go, Debbie. That is cool.

Debbie: Yes.

Dave: As I look at this year, my perspective is a little bit different in that I am not actively in business, I am more on the retired side of things. But I approach this more as an avocation than as a vocation. But it has been somewhat enlightening for me just to see how excited I get to get back into something that I love for so many years but from a different perspective. I am not trying to win cases anymore, which was always win-lose. Typically, clients were the losers even if we won the case because they only lost, if we won, they lost less. If we lost, they lost more, but they lost no matter what.
In this world that I am in now, I have an opportunity to help them win where we are not doing things. But my takeaway from this year is just how resilient people are. I mean, it goes from the small level on up to the big level is that I think great challenges bring out the best in people, not just the worst. We have seen a lot of the worst this year, but just my interactions with people at the local airport, other businesses have been that they are finding a way to make it work, they are adapting. I think aviation is a field where we have always had to do that. In my military aviation, we always had to get the job done with inadequate people, with inadequate material, with inadequate pretty much everything, and we found a way to get it done. I think the world we are in right now is kind of forcing a lot of businesses to do things that same way. It is heartening. You do not know whether you have got a good ship unless you take it through a storm. You do not know whether you have got a good business unless you can weather some tough times and these times certainly have been tough. It has been heartening for me to watch the resiliency of these people as they adjust, as we adapt to new technologies, and so forth. So that is my takeaway.

Mickey: Sweet. So it is the resiliency of businesses and of people, is that accurate?

Dave: Yes. You can think that you are resilient, you can think that you are tough, you can think about a lot of things. But was it Mike Tyson said a lot of that stuff goes out the window soon as you get hit in the face. So we have certainly been hit in the face this year and I think we are proving to ourselves that we can handle it.

Mickey: Oh, yes. I like it. I feel like that could have been the last one. It is such a positive vibe. It is great.

Paula: I know, that was so well written. So well said. It shows that is what you do for a living.

Ben: That is my words written down there and David hit it resilience. It seems like this year you started the year plans, this is what you are doing, this is where you are going to go on vacation, this is the numbers you are going to hit, this is the trade shows we are going to, I mean, business is booming, we are going great. Then in March, I remember I was on a business trip. I am in a bar and the NBA is canceled. You are thinking, the NBA canceled their season. You thought, “Okay, this is going to get real.” Then it has been obviously precipitous since then. But I tell you it is kind of neat, at the end of 2020, do you not feel like now, you are more stable, you can not be shaken up with, “Hey, by the way, remember that thing that you are really looking forward to? That is not going to happen. You are not going to see your parents for a year.” You are just like, “All right, bring it to me. What else you got? Right? Is that all we got?” So I guess I am really thankful for, I guess, the flexibility, the adaptability, it has brought everybody. Even in the early days in March, kind of remember our church board meeting, and oh, we were wrestling with what we are going to do? Are we going to go online? What are we going to tell people? What if somebody gets sick? Here we are today, nine months, ten months later, and it is just happening automatically. You have got protocols, keep people safe, follow the federal guidelines. Once you do those, then there is a lot of flexibility on how you handle it. You are not going to please all the people all the time, right? We learned that. But you just move on. This is what we are going to do and somebody has got to make a decision, that is another thing too. I mean, you can not run by a committee. On a certain day, the CEO, the President, the GM has to make a call, this is what we are doing. So I guess that is kind of my takeaway. I read the meeting invite kind of what did you learn from Paula and the class that I took? I just want to hit on those three things. Paula, you reminded me, I do not ask enough questions, that is so fundamental, and I have got to get in the habit of asking questions because it does produce the dialogue. Being conscious of the virtual environment, I was always just kind of working with the computer, camera, and not really focused on everything. You kind of showed me, “No, no, no, no, let us get the right camera. Think about sound. Call into the phone, make sure you can be heard”, and just raising the awareness of the virtual world. So thank you for that. Then also, you have got to invest in yourself. What do you say? You got to sharpen the saw. You guys are making it easy to sharpen the saw. So thank you, thank you for that. So I have got 2021, I have got to invest in myself and the skills and you just can not be complacent. You got to be intentional.

John: Well, you reminded me, you said, “Go ahead and throw something else.” I remember after I had gotten better at the AH64 Cobra in the simulator. Because they started me out, I never even saw the flight manual, still have not. I had a chance to fly that thing for about forty hours in a simulator. We got the point because we have studied all the EPs and I said, “Okay, just start throwing EPs at me until I crash.” Then let us back up and see what I did wrong. So I have done everything possible at an AH64 Cobra. As a matter of fact, at one point, he said, “Who taught you how to fly one of these things?” I said, “Wait a minute, I told you, I said I have never been in one before.” He said, “But as far as you have done, only one man in a thousand can do it, and you can repeat it.”

Paula: Oh, because he did not know you could not?

John: He actually accused me of being trained by the Israelis as an undercover guy. I said, “No.” I said, “Look, it is fundamental aviation what I just did. I would do that in a fixed-wing airplane.” He said, “Well, more people, I get back to just stick and rudder stuff” and ignore the automation. I said, “Yes, no kidding.” Anyway, it just reminded me that because I used to go after I passed the Checkride simulator that I thought, “Okay. Keep throwing stuff at me until I can not do it anymore. Let us see what happens?”

Paula: Just throw me more stuff. Exactly. I think that is really cool. Yes, Ben, that is fantastic. I know we met you for the first time this year. So, I really appreciate your thoughts as well. That is cool.

Mickey: Good stuff. Go ahead, Debbie.

Debbie: I guess the first thing I would say is actually funny is I know that 2020 is going to end. That is like the best thing about it.

Paula: It is in the rearview mirror.

Debbie: Being adaptive, and resilient like everybody else says has been very important this year. We started out the crisis with our president coming down with COVID. So that was really a crisis. So we learned to manage our crisis and ended up having a great year. Luckily, I do digital media for them, that is my job. So they really needed me this year. I have been busy, busy, busy.

Paula: How is Tom?

Debbie: He is fine.

Paula: Oh, good.

Debbie: It took him three weeks. It is my brother actually, who had it. So that was rough. But so far nobody else. They still travel, they have not stopped, any of them. So when they could, they traveled. It is hard to sell, I guess you could, but how do you evaluate a plane without looking at it? That is one of the things that we always do, we show up in person. You can not replace that.

Paula: Are they adopting any of the technologies, the digital logbooks, and things like that to do part of that?

Debbie: Yes. I think we did have when we could not fly, we did have people on the ground take short films, walk through the aircraft a little more closely, digital, just make a video or whatever so that we could actually see what was going on. But we still show up in person often.

Paula: Yes. But I think that we learned two years ago, when we did that kind of a tour on our way to MBA, and we stopped to see all of our clients on the way there, and that was, for some of our clients, we have been working together for eight, ten years without ever having met them in person. There is something that is so irreplaceable about sitting down and having a meal with someone. Now, we work together so much better because we get where they are coming from. We have met their kids in some cases. We have hung out with them a little bit.

Debbie: You have seen their office space. Like when they see our office space, like, “Wow. Look at all these planes that you have sold.”

Paula: Yes. On the wall, JetBrokers, there is an entire conference room that is wallpapered with little photographs of the airplanes that they have sold.

Debbie: That is only half of them, we stopped doing it.

Paula: Exactly.

Debbie: Because we do not print out the photos anymore.

Paula: Right, and you can hear the numbers all day long, but until you are actually standing in that room going, “Oh, my God” this company is old and established, and they have done a whole heck of a lot of transactions. That does not really hit you unless you are there in person seeing something like that. So that is totally irreplaceable and really cool.

Debbie: Going to lunch, that is irreplaceable. I have not done that since March.

John: We were supposed to go to Hawaii. We ended up with a free trip to Hawaii, we still have not taken that.

Paula: We are still trying to go to Hawaii.

Debbie: I am supposed to be at the beach in Long Island for two weeks in June, I could not do that.

John: Then we decided and said, “You know what? California opened up one time, we will just go to San Francisco for the weekend.” Schedule the hotel and a week later, they call us back and cancelled us saying you can not go. They canceled us.

Paula: Yes.

Debbie: Well, hopefully, the vaccine gets moving and we all can go do what we want. Soon.

Mickey: Well, I think that goes well with what Ben was saying about how we are kind of ready for more. I think especially when things open up, kind of Debbie was saying when we can go get lunch and we can go see walls and we can go do stuff. It is going to be pretty rapid growth. I went to a gym like a quick little gym session off of Groupon because this guy is starting his own small business, whatever, and I was talking to him, I am like, “Man, as soon as this COVID stuff wraps up, you have already scraped and fought for every single dollar you have gotten.” As soon as things go back to normal, it is game over. Because you are rugged, the resiliency, the struggle breeds so much strength, it is unbelievable. Anybody who has kind of been through this situation is just so ready for more. So it is great.

John: Guys like you who have been at the start-up this year, you can manhandle this, and get through it, then you are good to go.

Mickey: Yes. Oh, yes. I am not stopping. Cool. Then if you guys are down, because I know it has not been the full hour. But if you got a couple of minutes, we can do one more round. What is something that you want to do as things open up? The one thing you want to do as things open up? Because that kind of brings us like what we were saying, what is the next step?

Paula: The one thing you want to do? Yes. The first thing you want to do maybe as things improve?

Mickey: Okay. Cool. Yes, the first thing you want to do as things improve? Sounds good.

Debbie: For work or for just in life?

Paula: Either, I think. What do you think?

Mickey: I was thinking at work. We will keep it work-focused, right?

Paula: Yes, okay. That is teamwork.

Mickey: Cool. All right, I will go first. Then if you have something that you want to do in life, and you want to share, of course, we are not going to stop you. So who is going to go with you? You guys are good. But yes, so workwise, as soon as things open back up, I am going to start hitting recruiting offices. I have already gone to the one that is like next door. What I really want to do is I want to take a truck and do a recruiting office tour, and just shoot videos as I go, get a lot of followers on different platforms. In the process, do this free service at different recruiting offices, which also is going to do that face to face component that COVID has had us so desperately missing. So that is what I want to do in 2021. Road trip it, go on tour, take the show on tour. So that is my fun.

Paula: My resolution and you are going to laugh for 2020 was to get every single one of our clients to do a public speaking engagement. That was what we were going to do for 2020. So we filled out all the requests for speakers, we did all the paperwork, we coached people, we cajoled people, we slapped them around until they were brave enough to actually do it, and then everything got canceled. So I still think that is a great way to get a lot of publicity and to establish credibility. Then you got a video of you speaking at MBA or AIN, or Aviation Week, or HAI, or somewhere. I think that is one of the best ways for our clients to get credibility is to do a public speaking event. That totally got derailed. But I really think it is still worth doing. So I am going to recycle our 2020 resolution and just do it again for 2021.

Mickey: Perfect.

Paula: Yes.

John: Well, I have got a financial plan together for financial growth for the company for next year. I think we can really go bonkers.

Paula: Cool.

Mickey: Nice. The cash flow is ready to roll.

John: That is right. Because managing all this come properly.

Paula: If we can make it through this then yes, we can do some amazing things.

Dave: What I would like to do this year is just expand what I have started doing in the last few months of this year, which is actually visit some of the local airports, they are not local to me as much, but Santa Barbara has one, Van Nuys has one, there are a bunch of airports that are kind of within my regional area. I have made some contacts with people at these places. But to get to meet them to kind of do what you are doing, Mickey, is get face to face with some of these guys, kind of get a sense of what makes them tick. It is always enjoyable to talk about aviation if there is something I can do to help them, great. But just finding out what they do, I find it very interesting. It was very much a highlight for this year when I went out to the San Luis Obispo airport and got to meet the young people that are running that. It is just nice to stay connected with aviation and so I get a benefit, even if it is not vocationally beneficial.

Mickey: Nice.

Paula: Of course, it will be. Because that is not what you are focused on.

Dave: Right.

Mickey: Go ahead, Ben.

Ben: All right. Well, actually, I was looking forward to visiting my sister. She is with the FBI and has a temporary assignment over in Budapest, Hungary, she is there for three years. Yes, you build this nice vacation, that is a hub, but then again, you are like, “Okay, I do not even know if we will be able to go this year.” But I do not know, I want to travel, right? I want to go to a concert. Man, I just miss going to just a big crowd, just a concert. I missed that. But I guess work-wise, I guess it is in the same spirit, getting into the trade shows, getting to the customer, touring the facility, getting hands-on, we are making it work. Obviously, everybody is making it work. But it will be nice to start putting our foot back, our toes back in the water until we can fully jump right in. I will tell you, it seems like in hindsight, things that we think were just so big, and this is going to change forever, we forget about it. I mean, in a year from now, COVID what? Oh, yes, I remember that. We are business as usual, things are going good. I think it is going to be behind us so quickly, we are going to forget about it. I am just hoping for that sooner than later.

Paula: So are you planning on going to HAI or any of the events next year that are in-person?

John: Yes, HAI is going to be a real live event?

Ben: Well, they say that right now. I mean, Paris is canceled, right?

Paula: That is right. Yes.

Ben: I do not know. I do not know what is going to happen yet.

John: HAI said they will have protocols in place, but they will be live.

Ben: Yes, they would say that now. But I am saying, just like this year, John. It is like, “Yes, we will see.”

Paula: Yes, we will see.

Mickey: I was supposed to go to Budapest.

Paula: Just roll with it. There you go. No. I am totally with you, I miss concerts and everything else, that is a big thing.

Mickey: Cool. All right, go ahead, Debbie.

Debbie: Yes. Mine is pretty much reconnecting with people, with my family, with my co-workers, being able to go to shows, go to lunch. That is a big part of our business. We go to lunch, we talk to each other about what is going on. Which sounds kind of funny, but that is what we do.

John: No, it is real. It is not funny.

Debbie: So it sounds like it, I really miss lunch. I would like to see my sister and my niece that I have not seen in more than a year. Because they have live on the East Coast, it is impossible to get there right now. So yes, connecting in person would be great.

Paula: Well, you guys are connoisseurs of fine restaurants. I mean, you guys know the best places to eat, you know the people there, and it is just so much a part of your culture and your business.

Debbie: St. Louis has the most amazing, individual chefs, open, great restaurants here. It is just like part of the culture of our area.

John: Yes, there is a KC Masterpiece restaurant that has got fine steaks in St. Louis.

Debbie: We have a lot of great chefs here. So hopefully, they will still be in business after this year.

Paula: I was going to say, yes, are they doing all right?

Debbie: Some of them are. Once a week or two, people are still ordering to go a lot. They are really smart businessmen. They have catered-size meals that you can just order for your family. People are still making sure they still get their food. I mean, you can not make it at home.

Paula: Right. I think that is so smart that some of these businesses have kind of translated their business into something else in the middle of this because now they are making tubs of pasta instead of individual plates of pasta, and they are putting them in tin foil.

Debbie: Even just the great restaurants that have locally grown organic food, the guys who supply that have had to do CSA boxes. It is like people have been very, very innovative. It is very impressive. So I am really looking forward to going to a restaurant.

Ben: I took an oyster shucking class, virtually. You go down, you pick up two dozen oysters, they give you the gloves, they give you all the shucking tools, and then they have a zoom class on show. I mean, it is just being creative.

Debbie: That is so awesome. Yes.

Ben: People are doing it, they are figuring it out.

Paula: I think that would be so fantastic if everybody could think of something that they want their clients to do and create a learning opportunity for their clients. That would be such a great opportunity and such a timely thing right now.

Debbie: They may want to continue some of that in the future. Because it opens up another group of people, you may not be able to be there in person.

Paula: Oyster shucking, if you can do that in person then yes, I mean, you can do just about anything. I mean, you can learn all kinds of things and become an expert or at least a much smarter consumer of whatever aviation product or service there is, of course, that is what it comes down to for us.

Mickey: Sweet.

Paula: Yes.

Mickey: Well, that is great. I think you guys put in more work than was asked of you guys. We doubled up questions, right? 2020, I do not know what we are doing next month, but we will figure it out. Now, that is great guys, good stuff. So we just do like the same thing, how you did an intro, we will just do a quick outro, and we will call it.

Mickey: So my name is Mickey Gamonal, Gamonal Tutors. If you need ASVAB help, let me know. I am on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Gamonal Tutors.

Paula: Paula Williams, ABCI. We are also on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, not TikTok. We can not bring ourselves to do that yet. But yes, and we offer marketing and sales resources of all kinds for aviation companies.

Dave: Dave Pearl, The Flywriter. I write copy, I write content. If it involves writing, I can write it. I invite you to let me put wings with your words.

Ben: Ben Lamb, Renegade materials. If you know of anybody that has a high-temp composite application, we are the one-stop-shop. Not a big TikTok presence. But you can find me on LinkedIn and renegadematerials.com

Debbie: Debbie Murphy with JetBrokers. We help our clients buy and sell jets and turboprops, high-dollar aircraft.

Paula: Fantastic. You guys, thank you so much for spending the day before, the day before Christmas with us. We really are very happy to have spent a little bit of this year with you guys and really enjoy having you around and really enjoy working with every one of you. For people that were not able to make it, we are happy that we got to work with you this year too.

John: Yes. I mean, the people who did not make it this time, join us next time.

Paula: Absolutely. Yes. Thank you so much.

Debbie: Merry Christmas, everybody.

Mickey: One thing for the next year that I would recommend for everybody is to read, right? So you guys will be getting the books from ABCI or there is a book, Blitz. So if you get the opportunity to check it out, I feel like I get a lot out of the book.

Paula: This book?

Mickey: Yes, there you go. You got it.

Paula: That is a nice one.

Mickey: It looks like you are using it?

Paula: Oh, yes.

Mickey: It is a great, great job.

Paula: Mine is all written in and dog-eared by now.

Mickey: Cool. Yes. I am ahead of the curve right now. I have not been using the other. This one is like later in the year.

Debbie: This one is kind of at the beginning. I am a marketing person, so it is a marketing planner.

Mickey: Yes. No, that one is perfect if you do. Sweet. Anybody is welcome to the book club, and we hope to see all three of you guys and of course, anybody else who can make it, we are happy to have you whether you have read the book or not just your insight is very valuable and we appreciate your thoughts on all of these matters. So, thank you.

John: Well, everybody have a Merry Christmas and a healthy and happy new year.

Paula: Yes.

Ben: Happy holidays guys. Thanks for everything.

Dave: Same to you and thank you. Thank you, Paula, for all you have done.

Paula: Oh, thank you. Talk to you soon.

Dave: All right. Great. Bye-bye.

Paula: All right, bye-bye.