We all survived 2020, we’re all a little older and wiser, (hopefully!) but we’re still full of optimism for 2021.  (I think even the youngest among us has a gray hair or two they didn’t have at the beginning of 2020!)

Join aviation copywriter David Pearl, Trish Machiri of Charterly, Karla Roberts of Motive Learning, and John and Paula Williams of ABCI in this recorded live discussion.

Here’s what we plan to do differently, based on what we’ve learned and how the world (and the industry) has changed!



Transcript – What We’re Planning to Do Differently in 2021

Mickey Gamonal: My name is Mickey Gamonal. I own Gamonal Tutors and we do ASVAB Domination. So if you or anyone you know is going into the military, we help you to increase your score to whatever level you need it to be to get the job that you want. If you go into the military for six years, you want to make sure you are doing something you can get a lot out of. So I help people with that.

Paula Williams: Paula Williams, ABCI. We help Aviation companies sell more of their products and services whether that requires consulting, courses, whatever they need.

David Pearl: Hi, I am Dave Pearl, the FlyWriter. I am a writer. I am a former attorney and a former Navy pilot. I helped Aviation businesses write whatever it is that they need to write. If it can be written, I can write it. I like to think that my words will give wings to your idea.

Karla Roberts: Karla Roberts of Motive Learning. We help companies with their training and qualification management.   And how we do that is by actually creating custom e-learning modules that they can use for their safety compliance or for their operational requirements as well as we sell a learning management system and on top of that, a qualification management system that allows organizations to track and monitor their employees so that they can provide employees that are meeting customer-specific requirements or maybe location-specific requirements. So there are lots to do there. But yeah, that’s what we do here at MotiveLearning.

Mickey: Cool.

Trish Machiri: Hi. My name is Trish and I am the CEO of Charterly. We are a platform that allows and connects people to private travel for passenger and cargo travel. So our goal is to make the benefits of private aviation available to a lot more people.

John Williams: And then I obviously work with ABCI. She is the rockstar, I do the backend stuff like networking. I’ve been doing it for the last five hours, I actually handle it so that is what I do.

Mickey: So you can show them that you paid the bill?

John: Exactly right.

Mickey: Right on. Alright, cool. So let us jump right into it. 2021. What do you plan to do differently? So, in 2021. The one thing that I am going to do differently this year that I have not done in the past is I am going to be, I do not want to say something vague like more intentional, but I am going to focus on my business at a higher capacity. Prior to this, I always had a full-time job or been “doing” military or Peace Corps or whatever, different things. But now I am at a point where I can focus at a much higher capacity. I am not working at my previous full-time gig anymore, and I got the time to devote more attention to my business. So that is one thing that is going to be different about this year for me.

Paula: Fantastic. So it just went up to number one on your priority list.

Mickey: Exactly. After the wife, right?


Paula: Absolutely! No, of course, she is number one. What does that mean, exactly.? So you are going to be spending forty hours plus a week on your business and you never had the opportunity to do that before?

Mickey: Yeah. Yeah, I mean so I quit my job on November 1st, which means I had about two months of experience, losing my mind as far as like, oh my God, am I going to get clients? Am I going to, what am I going to do, right? It is a lot more kind of out there on the edge, a lot less security. But this is what I want to do. It has been so much more rewarding. I help people increase their Math competencies and like, just yesterday. My favorite thing is I have this opportunity to really score on the things I like about my business. So yesterday I was explaining two dimensional versus three dimensional and that is why we call three squared is three to the second power because it is a square with one side when you are taking the area and then three cube is three to the third power because it has three sides because it is length, width height. And so it is a third dimension and then he asked the question, what is the fourth? And I am like, it is the fourth dimension. It is the fourth dimension and it does go up to the fifth dimension and sixth dimension and it is beyond the scope like, at a point, it gets beyond the scope of human perception and conveying that idea to someone and something that would never happen in my day-to-day life working. I mean it might because I do a lot of math but much less likely for me to be able to explain that to someone who never would have heard it otherwise. So that is one of the things that I love about my business and it really emboldens me to put more time and effort into it.

Paula: Fantastic! Going over the edge of Math into Philosophy. [laughs]

Mickey: Exactly.

Paula: Unchartered territory. That is fantastic.

Mickey: Yeah, it is fun.

John: There is a course on quantum mechanics that I took online recently.

Paula: Oh, from the Great Courses, right?

John: Yeah, and it explains how you go even further in what you are talking about.

Mickey: Sweet. Well, I am just trying to stay one step ahead of the students, really.

Paula: Right.

John: And then computer-wise, the new quantum computer. The new, well they are relatively new, quantum computers, we use qubits rather than bits and you get into the rad and you realize very rapidly, what you just said, and just blown away by how many dimensions you want to talk about.

Paula and Mickey: Right.

Mickey: The thing about exponential growth, right?

John: Exactly.

Paula: Very cool.

Mickey: Go ahead, Mom.

Paula: Okay. Well, that kind of brings up why we brought Mickey into this whole scenario and things like that. We have a lot of clients that are younger and a lot of clients who are doing startups. And so we thought about going on this journey with Mickey and with a lot of the technology that he is using, he is using TikTok. He is using some things that the rest of us have not even heard of [laughs] and may not, so that is why we wanted him to be part of the group and also he has the time and the leadership skills to facilitate. So, that makes me happy. But anyway, what we are doing differently this year as opposed to last year. Our goal last year was to build the team, Mickey being a part of that and hopefully, as we move on we will have John Quaffle if you have met him, Abdul Rauf. David, we may be doing some projects with you and other folks as we are building that team and making that part of it. So that was 2020. 2021, the word of the day or the word of the year is ‘Education’. So every one of our clients could do better if they were doing a better job of educating their clients, including us, and we believe in that so strongly that we are putting together a workshop a month for our lab folks. This month we are focusing on resales, referrals, and recaptures. Each month has always had a theme but this year we are putting together a course using something that Carl is very familiar with, an LMS system, and putting together a lot more intentional education of our customers because if our customers are more educated, they become better customers, they become better at what they do, they sell more stuff, they start educating their customers and that is what is going to save the world. So that is the best plan for 2021. It is education.

Mickey: Nice.

John: That is yours to offer. These guys, I mean, I do business consulting on the side because sometimes people ask questions that just have nothing to do with marketing or do with business. So I can tell you that I have been helping one of my clients and education is unbelievably important. They want to add a flight department to a 60-year-old company. And I said, “you do not have a clue, that is so expensive. You shouldn’t even consider it.” All the class of paper. I said, “Really? Okay. So here are the numbers. I mean to do what they want to do is going to cost in the order of about two or maybe three hundred million.” And the education was, I got all the stuff and over a series of a couple of years of educating on why it costs this much and why that translates into this and you got to have this, you got to have that, it just snowballs all the stuff you have to have in addition to a place to put up your plans. You can not just have a runway, you have to have a hangar.

Paula: Right, and they are just thinking, we just buy a few airplanes and we are done.

John: That is right. And that’s a good thing. You can’t buy airplanes like you go to buy a used car. I mean, it is a 90-day process minimum. Once you find the airplane you want because of the pre-buy inspection, of the analysis of all of that, you have to actually match up pieces of paper with parts on the airplane. They are going to do all that stuff. So that you do not buy a pig in a boat. Then, where do you want to take possession? Because depending on the state is what are the kinds of taxes that are levied on it. And then it goes on and on. But anyway, so.

Mickey: Well, that is the beauty of it, right? That is why it goes well with your goal. There is a lot to be educated about. So if you are through and creating that education, that is serving your clients, right? That is better for helping them to be. And they are serving their clients and that is why. I see what you are saying by saving the world through this method, so that is cool.

Paula: Exactly. Yeah. We are still doing marketing and we are still doing sales, but every marketing activity and every sales activity should be also educating customers, or else you are not serving them correctly. It’s just not right in this industry, you know, everything is so complicated. We need to do that. Yeah. So anyway, David, what do you think?

David: Well, I think I look back on the last few years and I dabbled in a lot of things, and I think that the focus has to be a little bit sharper. I’ve been painting with too broad a brush, I like the challenge of learning new things.
But the rubber hits the road where I actually get in front of somebody that can take advantage of the things that I do. So my focus this year is to put a little bit less priority on just learning to do new things and more focused on actually doing them, as opposed to you know, I got a bunch of skills that I have undertaken, and that intrigues me from certain aspects of my personality, but I think that or this to work, I actually got to get it in front of somebody that is going to use or potentially can use the stuff that I do as opposed to just being content to learn how to make the presentation in a hypothetical sense. So I guess the focus this year is to let the rubber hit the road.

Paula: Right. Taking all that work you did in class and using it on a real person.

David: Yes. Yes. I am pretty comfortable in the classroom setting, that has been my life for many years, but it is getting it outside the classroom and working with real people. With people that have a business and that are going to put what I do to use for them and kind of get comfortable with that as opposed to what it might look like. I want to focus on what it does look like.

Paula: Right, right.

Mickey: Nice, I like that. So you start as you are sharpening your skill to be very, very specific on an aspect of what it sounds like, is that accurate?

David: Right. I mean I think that there is always this transition from my classroom scenario or a learning scenario, whatever you want to characterize it as, to actually doing it. You go to the simulator you learn how to fly the plane and if the simulator is really good, it may be close, but it is still not the same thing as actually flying the plane. You go to a trial advocacy course and you have mock trials and so forth. But the judge is a Professor, the judge is not a real judge. It is not the same thing as actually being in there, and the next step for me is to get in front of actual people that are doing things and do something for them.

Paula: Right. That makes perfect sense and you know coming from a background where people kind of gave you the next thing to do, now, you are making it up. As an attorney, you never had to worry about this though it is a very prescribed set of things that had to be done. And now you are making this up internally. You know, what you want to do.

David: That is right. I do not have my secretary telling me what my calendar is for the week.

Mickey: That is awesome. But I am sure the practicality will serve you. Especially if you keep that at the forefront of what you are trying to do on a monthly basis, even if getting in front of someone is the first step, say you knock that out in January then by December who knows how far you have gone.

David: Right. You know, you have the advantage of youth and not having to unlearn all the old systems that I am familiar with, but I have not achieved a real comfort level with virtual meetings and so forth. I still want to look the guy in the eye, I want to see somebody across the table, I want to be able to shake their hand. You know, that type of thing is my comfort zone and Facebook and LinkedIn and all that stuff continue to be a challenge for me.

John: Yeah, I understand because I was a systems programmer for a number of years and the languages that you use change. And as it changes, just because you know COBOL, who cares?

David: Right.

John: Nobody cares. Then you have to get past the Assembler then there is PO1, and then it becomes Java, and then who cares because the next thing comes along and so change, I had to embrace change very early on in my career, or I never would have made it.

Paula: Well, the other thing, I am just really happy that you are here David because a lot of people that listen to this podcast or that watch this podcast, maybe thinking, well, it is not my comfort level to be on Zoom, but here you are knowing it is not your comfort level here you are killing it. So, you know, that is fantastic and I’m sure you are an inspiration to a lot of folks that feel weird about it still.

John: Yes, but good pilots always embrace change because everything always changes.

David: I think that’s certainly true. In the things that I have written, I always try to emphasize that in aviation, challenge, having to do something different is pretty much everything that you do. Maybe airline pilots have to set room and everything that they planned out goes exactly as planned, but maybe pilots did not do that. Very, very seldom. Maybe I can count on one hand where every aspect of the flight went as it was briefed, you know, something almost always changes. The plane would not be perfect, the mission would not be perfect, the guys that were flying certainly were not perfect and we had to accommodate all that stuff to get the job done. And so I think coming up in that world, I think all of us that are involved in aviation will recognize that we can adapt to change. Changes are to be expected not only anticipated, but you know, things are going to be different once you actually start doing whatever it is you are supposed to do and it is your ability to make those adjustments that are going to determine the success of the mission.

John: It means that whatever change is, we need to learn to embrace it.

David: Yes, you know, there are if you have done it once you are experienced. If you have never done it, it’s just another opportunity to excel.

Mickey: Exactly. I like that I liked how it went from let us get sharper, let us get focused, and then it is like ‘flexibility’s king’. [laughs] But you know, they are really related, so that is great. That is great. Go ahead, Karla, do you want to go?

Karla: It definitely seems about change, but I always use the word ‘pivot’ now. We are just pivoting all the time, right? [laughs] And you know, of course, with Covid, the environment has thrown a curveball at everybody. So David, of course, you know, it is not the same obviously being in the same room with somebody then doing this. So it is just taking that first step. The same thing here with Motive Learning, we actually pivoted, tried to get through the Covid. Most of our customers are in the aviation industry or commercial, so of course, there was a lot of change going on for them this year. So with the changes that we are doing, that is what we are working with ABCI on, is working with general aviation and trying to target that market which, interestingly enough, is increasing. But it was interesting to me, I was on a call the other day where it was increasing maybe in Florida, but maybe not up north. Like they are getting a lot of revenue increase in Miami but not in the Northeast. So we are all still working it out. But again mainly our focus is helping organizations with their training needs. We are going to, and it is kind of strange that you said education too, Paula because we just had a meeting over last week and this morning that we are going to work more on education of our customers with our qualification management system. We took three years to enhance our learning management system to a qualification management system. We are still even revising it as we speak, basically, because of the feedback from customers and now we figured out this year that because different training departments are in different places and are at different levels and experience that we are going to have to go back and start educating them more in qualification management and having them see the big picture on what it is going to do for them. So from a marketing standpoint, that is what we are going to be concentrating on. But as a business standpoint, the biggest thing that we are doing right now, we feel like we have built all these years, building this product, but now we are actually adding one more feature and the new feature that we committed to with one customer, which is going to be good for everybody, is we are actually localizing it for different countries.

Paula: Nice.

Karla: So most of our customers are in North and South America and we do have some in Europe, as well. But we are actually focusing on one customer who has expanded their North American operations to South America. So even though aviation is an English-speaking industry and we have, I do not want to say we fought this for years, but every time we had these conversations it was like, would you really need it in Spanish? [laughs] And they are saying yes. [laughs]

Mickey: [laughs] They are saying, ‘si’. [laughs]

Karla: [laughs] Very good, very good. Muy bien, muy bien. So we are actually going to put Latin Spanish and French Canadian first into the system to meet our Americas needs and then we might expand from there. So that is our big change in our system that we are doing this year.

Mickey: That is awesome.

Paula: That is fantastic. You know, I thought while you were talking about this. For a lot of GA customers, this is their first time needing qualification management or needing an LMS, or even knowing what an LMS is. So, by educating those customers you are not taking them from a competitor, you are actually growing them from spreadsheets and stuff like that. So education is really key for you.

Karla: Yeah, exactly. And we will bring it into Covid. We are actually doing a demo tomorrow from somebody who contacted us just last week. And the interesting thing is that they are in, I do not want to give it away, but they are in Chicago and they are actually transporting vaccines that have to be frozen and so they do have a cold facility. And so we are adding more and more requirements even for our customers because of the pharmaceutical industry and how those things need to be transported now.

Paula: Right.

Mickey: That is cool. I feel like starting with the word pivot was a really good move. No pun intended. But I feel like it was a really good move because you are talking about everything that you built from the ground up, right? Which is your stabilizing force. But the pivot is you are shifting all over the place, right? You are going from South America, French-Canadian, but you still have that foundation. So it really embodies the word that you use to describe this new year’s pivot. And I think you are right on the money.

Karla: Well, and John if you are a programmer, if anybody has ever watched Silicon Valley, that is like the big word for the software companies, right? We got to pivot, we got to pivot.

Paula: Well, the difference between change and pivot is change suggests that you are throwing your weight in a different direction and pivot suggests that you are keeping your weight on your center line and you are just turning. It is better, you know, it is a specific word and I think it is a good word for that reason. So, I am glad you picked it.

Mickey: Good stuff. Alright, I think Trish?

Trish: Yep. I am next. Yeah, so I think where I am at is embodying where everybody is. I am sort of like with my key because I left formal employment recently and finding my way. And feeling the fear and you are getting stable. So my plan for 2021, I think is getting the stability and the focus because I think with Covid, there are a lot of opportunities and there are a lot of opportunities to be all over the place and follow every wind. [laughs] Which is what I did last year, I probably gave ear to a lot of things that maybe I should not have, but then it also sort of reaffirmed what exactly I want to do. But with that in mind, I’m so open to where it is going to go because my foundation is not that strong. I feel like I am still at a place where for me it would not be able to pivot. I do not know. I do not know what it would be because I, you know. [laughs]

Mickey: [laughs] It is almost like, go ahead.

Trish: Yes, it is almost like maybe setting the foundation, I suppose. When you set the foundation you could turn it or move it and you know, because it is not set yet. So I am hoping that this year is going to solidify that. A lot last year I was struggling between private aviation and the cargo, and the opportunities were coming from both sides and they seemed pretty strong enough from both sides. So yeah, I can not say that I have decided what I will be focusing on. I know that for now, I am doing private aviation passenger and cargo. But yeah, looking forward to hopefully setting the foundation and having a clear direction of what exactly I am doing by the end of the year. And like David, I am hoping to write a little bit more. I do like to write and I did a little bit of writing last year, so I think in terms of education and things like that. Because I think that with private aviation, there is very little knowledge about private aviation out there. It has been a very closed business. So people need to know about it, there are a lot of misconceptions about the benefits and what we do. It is kind of deemed like a luxury and people just think that it’s Boeing Business Jet flying around the place, you know.

Paula: GulfStreams everywhere. [laughs]

Trish: GulfStreams everywhere. [laughs] Nobody is thinking about the little Cessna that is transporting cargo or documents and things like that. Education is also a part. I think I consider that as a big part of what I am doing because every time I interact with people, they are actually surprised, ‘Oh, it is possible to do that?’ But I am enjoying it and seeing opportunities like that is cool.

Mickey: For sure. No, that is cool. It sounds like you are trying to plant the foot, right? So you are trying to figure out where you are planting that foundation and I feel like the major benefit there is just the flexibility, you know if you are talking about these two contrasting opportunities you are in your own element and you get to pick. There is a lot of freedom, but also I would imagine a lot of chaos that comes with freedom, right? A good amount of anxiety?

Trish: Yeah. It does create, and as with everything when you get an opportunity it kind of diverts your attention and then you have to go back and pick up where you left. So I think that is going to give me the stability that I need. I think the industry has its challenges but there is still so much opportunity in the industry. And so we can only do so much, you know.

Mickey: True.

Paula: It is still frightening to choose a specialty, you know, or to specialize further than where you are. And I know every startup goes through this but I really admire the fact that you are in Canada, you are representing parts of the industry that have not really seen much representation before. You are working with a lot of first-time cargo shippers, a lot of first-time charter people, so you are really expanding the Blue Ocean strategy for the entire industry and it is a great time to be doing that because everybody is disrupted already. They are not going to get on an airliner without thinking about it. So, it is just one more step to call Trish before you book a flight, you know, so that’s.

Trish: Yeah. And the timing is great because 2019 was when the sustainability discussion was going on and it was all this flight shaming. So 2019 was a hard year and 2020 was hard in a different way. But 2020 was more receptive towards private aviation and people became open about the need for private aviation. So it is a good time.

Paula: Yeah, absolutely, and you are in a great place at a great time and I’m sure you will make the best possible choices as you see. You are in a good position to see what is happening with the market and to go where the opportunity is.

Trish: Yes, exactly.

Mickey: Very cool. Cool. Well, John, you want to bring us home?

John: I do not know about that but… [laughs] One of the things that we, she and I, are doing and going to be doing, she gave you the plan for twenty-one. Well, what most people do, they stop there. I spent a lot of years in the private industry and in one of the companies we did a one-year, five-year, ten-hundred-year plan. So to that end, we are doing our one, five, ten, and twenty-year plans. And when you start doing that, she says, ”What do you mean?” and then we start throwing stuff around as an example, we are pursuing AR for marketing purposes. You say augmented reality, what is that? How do you do that? Well, you can blow apart the turbine engine, and you can say as an example if you get this symptom, it is this, that is probably going to start here as an estimate if you want to. I mean, you just do all kinds of things, and then that’s just AR. Well, there is AI and we were already playing with some of that with respect to jack-bots on things so that part I have not figured out to be our part yet, but we are talking about it for our twenty-five, 2025, and we got some things that far out there and then we go out to 2035 and then we go beyond.

Paula: Right.

John: It makes you think, ‘what the heck?’ you know, but you need to think out of the box, you think ahead because twenty-one is going to be gone before you know it.

Paula: Right.

John: Then what do you do?

Paula: Start thinking about AR and VR and some of the things that we are already using, I talked about Crystal Knows in the course. I do not think we did that in the challenge, but David in the intensive course. We talked about Crystal Knows and how to evaluate a client using AI and AI tools on their LinkedIn profile. It is kind of creepy but it works astonishingly well. Copysmith, that is another thing, David I am sure you have been learning about in class and things like that and some different AI copywriting tools. They suggest some keywords that work particularly well or particularly badly for a particular demographic, lead generation, market research and all of that stuff. There are now AI and VR tools for all of that stuff. So we got to stay on top of all that.

John: Yep.

Mickey: So John, as far as the goal for 2040 it just seems so completely foreign to me. Like I can not even, you know man, like…

Karla: It sounds farther than you think. [laughs]

John: Well, first of all, you got to think, right? So we are doing this market that she has got right now, for right now. Well, what’s happening? I just talked about some stuff that we can do between now and 2025 well when you ride with me on that. Well, guess what? You got people in space. That is aviation.

Paula: Yep.

John: And Musk is talking about going to Mars.

Paula: Is that aviation or is that not?

John: Okay, so you have to think in terms like that to jump out into the ether and think, ‘yeah, what can we do about that for us?’ And then you program things around and say, ‘well, let us talk about this,’ and we do a little bit of research because we a stand-up meeting every Monday morning and she goes over the marketing stuff, I go over the financials and the other issues with networks and so forth and then we talk about our one, five, ten, and fifteen. I think we go out to 2050.

Paula: 2050.

John: As far as we go, so far. But we have these things and you would be surprised how much stuff for filling in the blanks for 2025.

Paula: And 2050 is just a list of words. I mean, you do not have to come down to how am I going to use this next Wednesday?

John: It is just a brain tickler. So you go away and it is like reading something similar and saying, ‘you know what, this will fit.’ So I texted her and then she got this idea for a blog post and I’m about to close the episode for the podcast. I was just trying to give an example of how we do it. Not the right or wrong way. It is just however, you do think in the future.

Paula: Right. And how could a client use this like could we explode a PT6 engine for turbines, you know, and make that into a model, and would they even be interested in that? You know, so that brings it down to stuff that we should be sharing with them because we are supposed to be leading, right?

John: For Karla, I can see VR for them all over the place. She gets VR and sends it out to the client, they can go down through that thing just like they do in the movies, but it is there. I mean this stuff is there, just in its infancy.

Karla: So to go along with that, a year ago, I had meetings with customers about different technologies AR and VR being two of them. And this year it was funny at the end of the year when we talked to them, they both shared with me, ‘Oh yeah, we are going to be looking into VR now and such,’ and I actually have a presentation that I will send you John and Paula that has some links into it to different examples and such that I shared with my customers last year. So I really think you are on to something there. It is definitely a hot topic. I do think going back to augmented reality, that is easier to do than the VR itself talking about cost-effectiveness. And that is really what is going to hit first. Yes, we are doing virtual reality. They are doing it. They are doing it at some fairly low cost but they are getting grants with the other associations to do it. So they are all looking to see how they are going to do it. I think augmented reality is going to hit first.

John: Yeah.

Trish: And I think it is important to stay on top of it because you do not want to play catch-up. Because there are so many operators, there are different private airlines, because the big airlines kind of adopt these new technologies ahead of time, and then they have the budget to do these things. But in private aviation, the operators could be smaller. So they may not be really thinking that way or have the budget to do that at the moment, but it is these things that we need to consider, like VR, AR, AI machine learning and those are things that they are becoming standard in every other industry and we need to also be up there and they help us save money, make money and improve the customer experience and all sorts.

John: Yeah, and that is a good thing she brought up. Deep machine learning. I took a course from McRae Incorporated in San Jose before all this stuff hit, and we spent a week in class and classroom exercises on AI and deep machine learning. I can tell you that stuff is flat scary what it can do. I programmed the machine to make it do stuff and I sat back and watch it. I saw what I wrote, it was a very high-level language, but then to see it work.

Paula: Right, and that is the great thing about being where Trish is, you have a business that can pivot much more easily.

Trish: Yeah.

Paula: Some of these larger organizations have never thought of this and will just keep doing what has made them successful in the past. They do not have the agility to think like you can think and to adapt as quickly as you can.

John: And on a more sort of disjointed thought, I just found out yesterday that December was one of the best months for aircraft sales. I mean the larger aircraft are selling now again. We are talking 650 sizes and up and the rest. What is bigger than that? Well, there are these seventy-five hundred from a Bombardier and so on, but you know. And then the other thing is that my business client looks like they are going to need Airbus 330 size aircraft for private use. So it is getting all mixed up.

Trish: Yeah, and then we have electric planes coming up and then the air taxis, Uber, Uber Air, and all these things. So if you do not think about these things you are going to be caught with your pants down.

Paula: Yes. Absolutely.

Mickey: They are thinking about you. They are definitely thinking. [laughs]
So that is great. My favorite thing about this particular podcast. My favorite thing is how we started at ‘what are you going to do for 2021?’, and now it is like AI and AR and 2050 and Terminators coming back, man. Like it is just like shots of Mars, that’s crazy. So that is great.

John: Unfortunately if things keep going and we get bad guys in the picture Skynet is going to be real. [laughs]

Mickey: Oh now, cool. Cool, cool, cool. But that is almost the best part about the discussion about the future. The hardest thing is the pessimism, I think. When you are thinking about the future and all of you guys are super optimistic. I mean, it sounds like you guys know what you want to do. And I think that is great.

Paula: Education is going to save the world. There will be no Terminator, there will be no Skynet, there will be none of that.

John: Well, even if it does, it is just how we tackle it.

Mickey: Respond. Yeah.

Paula: I think we are about out of time. Mickey, do you want to take this out? Okay.

Mickey: Okay. Yeah, let us wrap it. Like I was saying, great podcast and if you guys, come back over the coming weeks with that same energy like it’s awesome. I like hearing all of you guys’ different perspectives. So, thank you. My name is Mickey Gamonal. I am Gamonal Tutors where we do ASVAB domination. You can find me on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, or YouTube.

John: Or Gamonal Tutors dot com. [laughs]

Mickey: Of course. Gamonal Tutors dot com.

Paula: Old school website. Paula Williams with ABCI and we help aviation companies sell more of their products and services whatever that takes. Especially if it includes educating your customers using any means necessary.

David: I am Dave Pearl, the FlyWriter, the fly writer dot com. I write for aviation businesses. If it involves writing I can write it, whether that is content or copy, my words will give your ideas wings.

Karla: Hi, and I am Karla Roberts with Motive Learning and we actually, I was just thinking about how do you get in touch with me? Well, you get in touch with me by either Motive Learning dot com or Motive LMS dot com. And we help organizations train and qualify their employees at the airport.

Trish: Trish Materi of Charterly. We assist travelers and passengers with private jets for passenger and cargo travel, and we want to see the benefits of aviation become more accessible to more people. You can find us on Facebook and Linkedin and Instagram at Charterly and our website is Charterly dot CA.

John: Nice. John Williams and ABCI. I just handle, we do not advertise, I guess is the advertising, we do not advertise for business clients, not me. I occasionally get ones and I take care of that.

Mickey: Sweet.

Paula: But that is okay. No, it is great. Sometimes the marketing problems bleed off into business problems and vice versa, so those things happen.

John: Yep.

Mickey: Well, great guys! That was a great book club. In two weeks, we are going to be over the planet. So if you can make it, it is going to be really great. And then if you have any questions about the planner feel free to comment on the event page on Facebook. It is going to look like a really good tool for the kind of in the same vein as this discussion. It is like a 2021 plan. So it should be great.

Paula: Fantastic. And if you use a different planner bring it so he can get, that will be fine.

John: Hope to see you all next time.

Mickey: Good seeing you guys.

John: Stay healthy and safe.