a charterHow would I spot your ideal customer for SSC?


The ideal customer for SSC fits into different categories. They are aircraft sales companies that need a good aircraft management company to refer their clients to. They are an aircraft charter broker that needs a qualified, reliable charter operator to call on to support their trips. They are small, medium, and large companies who value time savings as essential to their company’s competitive advantage. They are individuals who utilize private aviation for family vacations and shopping trips.


How would I best describe SSC’s unique benefits, approach, products services, and value proposition?


Special Services is a “one-stop” shop for all aviation needs. We can better serve our customer needs through our combined operational and maintenance experience. Specializing in management, charter, maintenance, sales, and parts, our unique benefit is the ability to adapt to each client’s circumstance and need.


What might prospects say to trigger me to know what they need to be referred to SSC?


“Time is a valuable asset to our company”

“We’re not utilizing our aircraft as much as before”

“I’m interested in owning an aircraft but do not have the time for the day-to-day upkeep and responsibilities”

“I’m tired of the airline hassles”

“I want to travel on my schedule”


What is SSC’s marketing process once they receive a referral?


Special Services appreciates all referrals. When they contact us, we will provide a without cost consultation to learn their specific need. We will send them information on our company and services. We will do the evaluation and set up a meeting to give them our recommendations.

Contact Information

Contact Brad Searls or Doug Goldstrom at Special Services Corporation at 866-242-3383, or email dgoldstrom@flyssc.com} else {.