Aviation Marketing Checklists – Why do you need them?

Would you take off without a checklist?

In 1935 the first flight checklist was born. Why? Because the pilots on the first flight of the B-17 forgot one thing and it caused the plane to crash. We’ll tell you more about that below. Today all planes have checklists and that has made aviation much safer. Imagine, without a checklist you might take off without realizing your left or right mag isn’t within limits, or an aux fuel pump doesn’t function as required.


B-17 - starting point for checklists

 We got our information on the B-17 from Angle of Attack –

Does your marketing process have a checklist?

Your Marketing Plan, like every airplane, should also have a checklist so that missions are successful.

Just as there is no standard checklist that will work with any aircraft (they are highly customized) a marketing checklist also has to be customized to the mission, the budget, the product, and the prospects, which is why getting assistance from a company like ABCI is a great idea.

Our checklist will identify your missing pieces

The ill-fated B-17 stalled shortly after takeoff. After further investigation, it was found that the Captain had left the elevator lock on, and the aircraft was unresponsive to pitch control.

Pilots need a checklist. This wasn’t reflection on the competence of pilots or the airworthiness of the aircraft, but a way to capture best practices and lessons learned.

Sometimes the smallest overlooked detail in your marketing campaign can also lead to disaster, which is why all of our marketing campaigns and projects are checklist-driven!

We have Checklists and Tip Sheets on several topics –

  • Five Tweaks for you LinkedIn Profile
  • Postcard Marketing Checklist
  • Trade Show Marketing Checklist
  • Sales Call Prep Checklist . . .

And many more – click here to see all of our Checklists and Tip Sheets.
